Chapter Bylaws

Article I- Name

The name of this organization is AAUP-UCLA Chapter.

Article II – Purposes

The Purposes of this chapter are to:

1. Support the policies and goals of the Association as found in Article 1 of its national constitution.

Facilitate a more effective cooperation of teachers and research scholars in universities and colleges, and in professional schools of similar grade, for the promotion of the interests of higher education and research, and in general to increase the usefulness and advance the standards, ideals, and welfare of the profession.

2. Defend academic freedom at UCLA.

3. Encourage faculty participation in governance at UCLA.

4. Protect and advance the professional status and interests of all faculty.

5. Facilitate the dissemination of information on higher education principles and practices.

6. Inform the academic community about AAUP standards and policy statements.

7. Participate in the California Conference of the AAUP.

8. Develop necessary and proper chapter programs for the accomplishment of the aforementioned purposes.

9. Upon dissolution of the chapter, its assets shall be distributed to National AAUP, a charitable and educational organization.

In furtherance of the purposes described above, but not in limitation thereof, the chapter shall have power to conduct studies; to disseminate statistics and other information; to engage in various fund- raising activities; to conduct promotional activities, including advertising and publicity, in or by any suitable manner of media; to hold such property as is necessary to accomplish its purposes; and to employ individuals to represent the chapter in lawsuits, negotiations, and for other purposes. This AAUP chapter is organized and operated for the above stated purposes, and for other nonprofit purposes, and no part of any net earnings shall inure to the benefit of any member.

Article III – Members

The membership of this chapter is open to those persons who are National members of the American Association of University Professors with the status of Full-time, Entrant, Joint, Part-time, Emeritus, or Graduate Student.

Chapter membership shall become effective upon payment of chapter dues in an amount determined by the Executive Committee and as approved by a two-thirds vote at a meeting of the chapter in accordance with the procedures specified in Article V – Dues. Notification of membership in the chapter shall be the responsibility of the chapter Executive Committee.

Article IV- Officers and Organization

The officers of this organization shall be a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, membership chair. Officers shall hold office for a term of two years. In the event that successors have not been elected before the expiry of said two-year term, an election shall be held as soon as practicable and the current officers shall remain in office until their successors have been duly elected. No officer shall be eligible to serve for more than three consecutive terms in the same office.

President: The duties of the president shall include carrying out the policies of the chapter, appointing all committees of the chapter, exercising a general supervision over the activities of the chapter, and presiding at meetings of the chapter and Executive Committee. In the absence of the president, the vice president shall serve in the president’s stead. The president shall be a member ex officio of all committees, but the president shall not be counted in determining a quorum in these committees. The President shall serve, wherever applicable, as the chapter’s first delegate to the national AAUP, its applicable branches (including the Assembly of State Conferences and the Collective Bargaining Congress), and to the AAUP’s California Conference.

Vice President: The duties of the vice president shall include those usually appertaining to the office and those delegated by the president. The Vice-President shall serve, wherever applicable, as the chapter’s second delegate to the National AAUP, its applicable branches (including the Assembly of State Conferences and the Collective Bargaining Congress), and to the AAUP’s California Conference. The Vice President shall oversee and shall serve as Chair of the chapter’s membership committee.

Secretary: The duties of the secretary shall include keeping a record of all proceedings, and correspondence of the chapter, certifying chapter delegates to the Annual Meeting, preparing newsletters for distribution to the faculty [in the absence of another person delegated that responsibility], maintaining official contact with the National Association, its officers and staff.

Treasurer: The treasurer shall receive the dues of the members and keep an accurate record of all money received and of all disbursements, promote the establishment of dues deduction to facilitate the recruitment and retention of members, prepare an annual budget and report of finances, and submit for approval an annual chapter budget. The treasurer shall preside at meetings and assume responsibility for the leadership of the chapter in the absence or withdrawal of the president, vice president, and secretary, and until a new Executive Committee can be elected.


When an officer has resigned or is disqualified, the office shall be filled by a special election of the chapter. The Executive Committee is empowered to fill vacancies in any elective office until a special election is held. The person so elected shall hold office for the remainder of the unexpired term.

Article V- Dues

1. Local dues may be set only by a secret ballot vote conducted among Association Active members in the chapter. The vote may be conducted either by mail ballot or, after reasonable notice, at a regular or special membership meeting.

2. Once set, local dues shall be increased annually by the same percentage as the national AAUP raises its dues. Changes in local dues beyond this annual increase require the approval of the Executive Board. Payment of current national AAUP dues, conference dues in states with comprehensive dues, and chapter dues shall be a prerequisite for chapter members.

Article VI- Committees

Executive Committee The Executive Committee shall consist of the elected officers of the chapter, the immediate past president, and [two] members elected at large. It shall act as a governing body of the chapter, but only in pursuit of a prior resolution of the chapter or as needed to uphold the constitution. The majority of the elected members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum for conduct of business of the committee.

The Executive Committee shall assume responsibility for the chapter’s continuing effective presence at the institution, keeping all positions on the executive committee filled as vacancies occur. Among the duties of the Executive Committee are the following:

1. Meet regularly to enable response to any faculty members seeking assistance.

2. Conduct the business of the chapter between chapter meetings.

3. Regularly recruit members and encourage maintenance of membership.

4. Make necessary appointments to complete an unexpired term of any officer.

5. Set the agenda for chapter meetings.

6. Consult regularly with the administration on matters of mutual interest.

7. Respond to inquiries from the press.

8. Promote the establishment of a dues deduction and/or bank debit plan to encourage membership recruitment and membership maintenance.

Membership Committee. The membership committee shall supervise the regular and continuous recruitment of new members, using suggestions supplied by National AAUP and others as may be applicable to the institution. The Executive Committee shall constitute the core of the Membership Recruitment Committee.

Nominating Committee. A Nominating Committee of three members, appointed by the Executive Committee, shall broadly represent faculty at UCLA. The names of all candidates shall be sent to members by the secretary at least one month before the chapter election meeting. Additional nominations of candidates for elective office may be submitted from the floor by an active member of the chapter. A plurality of votes shall be required for election to any office.

Standing Committees. The chapter may create standing and ad hoc committees from time to time as they are deemed necessary to promote the welfare of the chapter’s program at the institution. The chair and members of these committees shall be appointed by the Executive Committee.

Article VII- Meetings

The chapter shall hold regular meetings. Special meetings of the chapter may be called by the president or a majority of the Executive Committee. Written notice of such meetings shall be provided each member by the secretary of the chapter at least five days in advance of the date selected. The president shall call special meetings of the chapter within seven days when directed by the Executive Committee or by petition signed by ten percent of the members of the chapter.

The quorum required for the transaction of business at all meetings of the chapter shall consist of 10 percent of the active members of the chapter.

Article VIII – Amendments

This constitution may be amended by the three-fourths (3/4) affirmative vote of a quorum of the chapter at a regular or special meeting, provided that a notice setting forth the proposed amendment or amendments with reasons thereof and setting forth any known objections thereto shall have been sent to each member at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting. A petition of ten (10) percent of the chapter membership may also initiate amendments. The approval of two-thirds (2/3) of the active membership responding to a written ballot under the preparatory conditions cited above shall also constitute approval.

Article IX – Mail Ballots

Except as otherwise specified, those eligible to vote in any mail ballot shall be all members in good standing as of one week before the date on which the ballots are mailed. Unless the Executive Committee shall declare than an emergency exists requiring a shorter period, no less than two weeks shall be allowed from the date of mailing to receive and count returned ballots. Matters submitted to the membership by mail ballot shall require only a simple majority of those casting ballots.

Article X – Effective Date

This Constitution shall become effective on an interim basis upon adoption by the Executive Committee and shall become permanent when approved by a majority of the membership responding to a mail ballot which shall be conducted within thirty days after the approval of the Executive Committee.

Article XI

Roberts Rules of Order Revised shall be the authority for this chapter in matters of procedure not specified above.